Stream Our Service


We are currently seeking a qualified sound technician for our worship services. Click here to review the job description and instructions on how to apply.

John Stone

Interim Pastor

Bailey Rogers

Youth Director

Ben Ewen

Assistant Pastor

Bernard Chadwick

Director of Music & Arts

Caroline Huxell

Director of Children & Families Ministry

Jessica Wiley

Finance & Administration

Antonio Paul Castillo

Sunday Operations

Other Leadership

Alongside pastors and staff, a group of elders, deacons and wise counselors help lead and care for the congregation, as well as steward its resources.

Paul Schissler
Caroline Paules
Erisa Stilley
Chris Park

Wise Councelor:
Liz McFadzean

Ruling Elders:
Rob Liu
Bob Street
Peter Lanfer
Josh Brake
Dave McFadzean