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Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart...

- 2 Corinthians 9:7

Why we give.

God promises to give all we need for our lives and to be generous. In other words, God blesses so that we may be a blessing. Tithing, or sacrificial giving, is an act of faith and deepens gratitude for God's provision and nurtures our care for those around us.  Sacrificial giving is a habit that makes us more generous, joyful, caring and gracious people.

Also consider the ways you may give your time, talents, resources, words and actions. Call a friend, signup to serve on one of Grace's ministry teams, volunteer at a local non-profit, etc...  

Give as the Spirit leads and give joyfully.

Ways To Give

Give Online or by Text Message

Give online through the Subsplash Giving Platform.  Or give via text message through Subsplash. Text the keyword "gracepas" to (888) 364-GIVE (4483) and follow the link in the reply to Subsplash giving. If you haven't yet created a Subsplash giving account, you can create one in seconds. Keep in mind that the more people give through Subsplash, the lower our transactions fees become.

Give in Person on Sundays

Every Sunday, members and regular attendees have an opportunity to give. Although we do not pass a collection plate during worship, an offering box is available in the sanctuary for your gifts. During the offertory, we invite all into a time of reflection to help us consider all that we have, and all that God may be asking us to give. 

Give by Check or  ACH/E-Check

You may  mail your offering to our mailing address:
254 N Lake Ave #287
Pasadena, CA 91101
You may also set up automatic ACH or E-Check giving through Subsplash.

Stocks & Securities

If you wish to give stocks or securities, please contact Jessica Wiley, our administrator. You may use the form below.

Have questions about giving?

We'd love to hear from you. Fill out the form below to get started.